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Top 5 Social Schedulers

In the world of marketing the first step of advice a newbie will be given is to STAY CONSISTENT! If you are consistently present with your social media profiles your followers will be reminded of your business and the great products/services that you offer.

Ideal right? However, realistically, if you're running a small business you don’t always have the time to spare to get online and then post some meaningful content…as well as running your business on the day to day. This is natural, an something that I, myself struggle with, as we focus so heavily on helping our clients it sometimes means our own social presence suffers.

So, how do you avoid being inconsistent?

One great way, is to pre-schedule content when you do have some spare time so that it goes out on a regular basis. As well as most social platforms offering this service, there are also many Social Media Scheduler Tools that will do it for you across all your profiles! Here are my top 5…

5. Later

Later is an amazing platform, the only reason it’s so low on the list is because it deals solely with Instagram AND it’s a paid for service. In my opinion as wonderful as it is, there are other options that do similar things for free!

4. Social Jukebox

Social jukebox is great option if you have regular content that needs to go out on a loop. It’s perfect for reminding people to sign up for newsletters or sharing testimonials etc. But if you have something you want to post once on a specific date, it’s not the most convenient option.

3. Tweetdeck

Tweetdeck is a wonderful platform, easy to use, and has been around for many years! You could call it tried and tested. You can follow streams, hashtags, as well as mentions etc.

2. Buffer

Buffer is one of my personal favourites, from the layout alone! It’s so easy to use and drag posts to schedule on the date you want them to go out, at optimised times. This is actually the platform that I’m currently using!

1. Hootsuite

Hootsuite has to go number one just because it was my very first experience with scheduling content and holds a soft spot in my heart. It’s amazing as not only a scheduling tool (for all mediums) but also to receive automated reports. This is THE ONE for someone still getting to grips with content driven marketing.