Red Digital & Events

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Freebie - Map Out Your Ideal Customer

Before you start marketing, it’s important to know who you want to reach, this is one of the most important steps in marketing but can often be overwhelming to know where to start - so we’ve created a free template for you to help you pinpoint your ideal customer. 

Download our ideal customer template by filling out the short form below, no conditions and no tricks!

This is the template the team here at RED Digital & Events uses for all of our clients. We just save a copy and get cracking every time we need a blank slate, so since this already exists we wanted to share it with you. The best way we can share this is through the below form.

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What’s an ideal customer profile and why do I need one?

An ideal customer profile is a research-based document that represents your ideal customer, outlining who they are, what’s important to them, the daily challenges they face, and how they make decisions.

Having a clear outline of who your ideal customers are will help to pinpoint what your existing and potential customers want and need to see from you, allowing you to tailor your content towards them, making it more valuable, relevant and engaging to them.  

How do I create an ideal customer profile? 

We’ve done the hard work for you by providing prompts in the free template but pinpointing your ideal client will still require some time, patience, and a lot of thinking as the more detailed your ideal customer outline is the easier it will be to create content that converts.

If you have a database or CRM of past and present customers, referencing these to help you fill the gaps on your sheet can be a great way to make sure your persona aligns with the people already invested in your company. If you’re starting from scratch, it can be a bit more difficult to create a clear outline but your social media insights, website analytics and tools like Facebook’s Audience Insights can be great starting points. 

If you’re working for a larger company, try getting your sales team involved, they’re bound to have a lot of insights as they directly communicate with your potential clients daily.

So, What’s the next step?

Now you’ve outlined your ideal customer, it’s time to implement the insights you have into your day-to-day marketing. Every stage of your marketing strategy, from your website to the content you post, should be made with your ideal customer in mind.

Using your personas to develop tailored content that’s valuable, relevant and engaging to the people you’ve outlined using the template is a fantastic way to build up trust and form a connection with potential buyers - turning clicks into conversions.

Finally, let us know if there’s anything we can do to help. If you’d like to book some free time with one of the team to work through your ideal customer profile, send us an email or a message, we’d love to hear from you!