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Is Content Still King?

We’ve heard it a thousand times, content is king.

This is what we have been hearing since Bill Gates said it in the 90’s.

But is it still the key to success?

Well, the truth is – it’s hard to say.

I know, I know – a lot of people hate the phrase “content is king” as it doesn’t quite have the same touch anymore.

Why content is still important?

Simply, without content, there would be blank space. If everyone simply stopped creating content, there would be nothing, no progression and well the world would simply halt. Content is more than just pictures and text. Content is development and creation as a whole.

Content is still seriously important in order to succeed in online marketing and if you don’t you create good content, you won’t be able to cut through the abundance of material available online and maintain a long term successful business.

However, it’s not the only thing that should be considered when starting up online.

Unfortunately, brilliant content is not enough on its own – everyone has good content so it’s essential to promote it properly. You need to know exactly how to promote your content once it is created in order to reach the largest audience and ensure that the traffic you get converts into future subscribers or customers.

You should have a plan of where you want to go after you get subscribers, sell a product etc, but this is a different demon all in itself.

So, what’s the plan?

First off you want to make sure you have a specific target audience in mind and know exactly who you want your demographic to be, this will help you develop a solid content strategy.

This strategy is different for everyone – so testing is key. You know your brand best, you know what they want to see or how they want to see it and interact with your brand, so make sure you look into this and develop your brand accordingly.

Content now focuses on customers and attracts people to a topic rather than interrupts them. We now live in a world where everyone can be involved with the media in a multitude of ways. Anyone with access to the internet can write a blog or a post, record a youtube video or a podcast to create content, and it's seemingly the new normal.

But if you want to succeed in today’s crowded marketplace you need to be doing other things as well as producing great content.

Content is simply no longer King, but it is definitely still at royal status.