Do you know the importance of GDPR compliance with your business?


So, we’ve talked a lot of about data and the range of information you can collect from your customers in order to improve your business and services. But the most important thing to do when collecting this information is to make sure that you are GDPR compliant. This means that the information that you are collecting from your customers is regulated and secure. A breach of customer information can be significantly damaging to your business and is against the law. 

What is GDPR ?

GDPR stands for the General Data Protection Regulation and it is an EU law that took effect in may 2018. It controls and regulates how companies and organisation are allowed to handle people’s personal data. And although we are no longer in the EU, the UK is still following these laws

Personal data is anything that can be directly identified and linked to one person, this can include some of the following, the person’s name, address that they live at, IP address, location data etc.

In order to obtain personal information your customers must ALWAYS consent, this means that the customer in question is aware that you are collecting information from them, the person who agrees to do so must always be able to opt out of this service. 

For sense of security and trust customers need to know that the information they provide to your business is safely protected. We can obtain this type of information through cookies via websites where we are then able to understand the customer journey and even location of that given customer. Customer are able to opt out of cookies via webpages should they wish to not be tracked. Is your website offering customers to OPT out of this service?

GDPR is critical to your business and service because it will impact how you gather and store the information of your customers. If you want to collect any data from EU citizens for business or even research purposes the you need to understand why you MUST be GDPR compliant.

How does it work?

Both controllers and processors os personal data and information need to be fully compliant with GDPR. A data controller determines the purpose of the information being used and why. Failure to comply with GDPR or to not protect and safeguard your customers will result in a fine of around 4% of your companies annual turn over. ut the bigger price to pay when not following GDPR is the effect on your business itself. If you fail to protect your customer’s personal data you will not only lose customers trust and loyalty but alos fail to protect your business in the long run.

Make sure you have the right GDPR frameworks in place for your business, you need to make your customers aware of the information you are collecting and again they must be able to opt-out. reate GDPR compliant frameworks that can help you safely store your customer’s data.

Need help understand GDPR and how it impacts your business? We have a great resource for you. Get in touch with the team at LogicDocument.


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